
Monday, December 14, 2020

Week of December 14, 2020

Please Note

- I hope you got a chance to watch the Virtual Christmas Concert. The kids did a great job!

- We will have math test on Wednesday on place value.

- Report cards will be sent home Tuesday. Please read the letter in the envelope from Mr. Tosti explaining report cards. You may keep the actual report card at home. Please sign and return the envelope.  Thank you for all of the work you have done with them this trimester.  I am proud of them for all of their hard work!

- There is no school on Friday, but there will be asynchronous assignments sent out Thursday night. They will be on Seesaw and IXL like they were last time. Mr. Burman will also send you an optional music assignment too.

- Have a great week!

Our Week


We will start Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers". We will learn about how Jesus traveled all over to get followers and that he taught them how to pray. We will also learn what are praying for when we pray the Lord's Prayer.


Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"

Target Skill: Sequence of Events

Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -ch, -tch

Grammar: Statements and Commands

Sight Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good

Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, rich, cheer, beach, three, teach


We will continue have a test on place value on matching place value blocks to the number they represent, identifying digits in the tens and ones place, and finding the value of digits.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Week of December 7th, 2020

 Please Note

- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday.

- Report cards will be given out next week.

- Please be sure that your child is reviewing sight words and is reading, especially during the days off and over break. They can lose these important skills just as fast as they learn them! This should be their "homework" along with math facts every night. Kids A-Z and IXL are both great for practice at home. Please use them!

- I am sending home a packet of "Sight Word Phrases" with each child to practice at home. This will help with sight word recognition and fluency! Work on one page at a time. Once your child can read the phrase without pausing or having to sound out words, check it off! Once they can read all the phrases on the first page with pausing/sounding out, move on to the next page.

- We will be starting homework when we return from Christmas Break.

- We will be having Virtual School on Monday, January 4th and Tuesday, January 5th when we return from Christmas break.

Have a great week!

Our Week


We will continue to talk about the Advent season and the meaning of Christmas!


Story: "At Home in the Ocean"

Target Skill: Fact and Opinion

Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th

Grammar: Proper Nouns

Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where

Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray


We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on identifying the value of digits and building numbers with place value blocks.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Week of November 30, 2020

Please Note

- I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. Our first virtual day went smoothly! Thank you for having them prepared.  I appreciate all of your effort and cooperation.   I know it is not easy for you to take the time from your day, or for them to sit and listen for that long, but we completed everything I had planned and they were GREAT!  If you have any requests or recommendations please let me know.

- Virtual school Monday and Tuesday of this week.

- Dress down day on Friday of this week. Please send in $1.00.

- NO SCHOOL next Monday or Tuesday (12/7 & 12/8)

- Grades close this Friday, 12/4. Report cards will be given out the week of 12/14.

Our Week

We will learn about The Church Year and the season of Advent.  We will finish Chapter 5 but not have a test for this chapter.

Story: "At Home in the Ocean"
Target Skill: Fact and Opinion
Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th
Grammar: Proper Nouns
Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where
Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray

We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on learning tens and ones and where they go in the place value "house". We will also practice making tens, teen numbers and numbers up to 40 using tens and ones for place value.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Week of November 23, 2020

Happy November 25th Birthday to Sara!

There are only 14 school days until Christmas break! I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. This week we will start our new story, start learning the long a sound, and do Thanksgiving themed activities. We will also have our class party on Tuesday. Thanks to everyone who donated. I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving. Please know that the entire SKS faculty and staff are always grateful and thankful for your support but this year especially. We could not do this without your help and support! Speaking of that, below you will find everything you need to know regarding Virtual School on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Virtual School Information for Monday 11/30 & 12/1

- Next Monday and Tuesday we will be fully virtual. The kids will be coming home with all of their workbooks and copybooks on Monday and Tuesday. There will not be any worksheets to print.  I will review these tips and rules with the kids in school this week, but it is a great idea for you to review them at home as well. 

A few helpful tips and suggestions are:

        - Please be sure to have your child logged in to google so they will be ready to join the Meet. 

        - Post the Meeting code somewhere visible: mthornton3

        - Look at/print the Virtual Schedule ahead of time.

        - Follow Virtual Learning Schedule: HERE (To make things easier, students will stay logged on during morning break but do not need to be on screen.  They will have to sign off during lunch, and sign back on after lunch at 12:10.)

       - Have materials ready for the week: pencils, workbooks, copybooks, reader, crayons, colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors, headphones, etc.

       - Have a quiet, distraction free place to work. Students should not be laying on beds, be away from your pets, TV, toys, and other family members.  *Headphones would be best for focus!*

       - Wear your required uniform daily (spring uniform is okay). *MONDAY WILL BE A DRESS DOWN FOR OUR CLASS ONLY AS A THANK YOU FOR MY BIRTHDAY GIFTS!*

      - Make sure devices are fully charged and have the charger available if needed.

      - Check your child’s computer volume and practice muting and unmuting.

     - Remind your child that virtual school is like being at school, but from home. The same behavior is expected. They should be respectful of the teacher and classmates.  

      - If they have questions or need help with something, they should ask ME,  just like if we were in school! They may need to seek help from you OCASSIONALLY for finding a page or logging on, but you should not have to sit with your child during each lesson.

    - The kids should stay on mute unless they are called on or have a question. If they have a question, they can raise their hand or pop on and ask if not interrupting a lesson. Please do not use the raise hand button or thumbs up button as it becomes a distraction. Also, they are not allowed to change their backgrounds.

I know this is a lot of information, but it will help everything transition smoothly if they are prepared and ready to go.  The hope is to develop good virtual habits in case we need it for longer periods. Remember, this is a trial run and we can tweak things if we need to.  Feedback is welcomed!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 


Monday, November 16, 2020

Week of November 16, 2020

Please Note

- We had another great week last week and will keep going strong into the holiday season. Thank you so much for being so flexible and giving us some days to meet with each other and plan. We truly, truly appreciate your support!

- Thank you so much for purchasing from my Scholastic Book Wish List.  The kids will have so much fun reading our new books!

- Dress Down Day on Tuesday for Jenna's Blessings Bags. Please send in $1.00 to dress down.

- Test folders will be sent home on Friday. Please sign and return on Monday.

- There will be a math test on fact families and mixed addition and subtraction on Thursday. We will be reviewing this week.

- There will be a Reading and Spelling test on Friday for 'A Cupcake Party'.

Our Week

We will begin Chapter 5 "Jesus Teaches Us About Love".

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take,
Spelling Words: sun, bus, but, run, fun, us

This week we have a test on fact families and mixed addition and subtraction on Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Week of November 9, 2020

Please Note

- Thanks for meeting last week.  It was great to connect with all of you!  If you find you have any additional questions or concerns, please let me know.  Thanks!

- Our Virtual Monthly Mass for November will be on Tuesday at 9:00 am. You are welcome to join us via the SKS Parish YouTube link!

- Chapter 4 Religion test will be on Friday. A study guide will be sent home on Tuesday.

- Our class will record their Christmas Concert song this Friday. Please send them to school dressed in their Christmas/Sunday best. They will not need a change of clothes. 

- There is no school on Monday, November 16th.

- Please make sure you have the apps Seesaw Class, Starfall, IXL and Kids A-Z downloaded for your child at home. All of their Login information is on the one paper which was already sent home.  Please let me know if you need another copy.  It is a good idea to start checking their Seesaw account weekly to see what we are doing in school and for help with assignments I have sent back to them for corrections. Kids A-Z is great for reading at home.  They can choose a level they are comfortable with, or they can level up and listen to stories.  IXL is great skills practice for both Reading and Math.  Starfall has both reading and math practice, too.  If they have finished what I have assigned, they can chose other activities on their own.  The kids know how to use all of these. Doing this at home now will also be good practice for the two virtual days after Thanksgiving.

- Instead of using the original Zoom link for Guest Reader, please sign in to Google Meet with your child's Google information, which can be found on their Login paper.  Our class meeting code is mthornton3.  You will be able to enter once I start the meeting.  Here is the link to sign up for those who have not signed up yet.  Please specify 12:30 or 2:00 in the comments.  There are enough slots for each family to choose 2 dates.  Please choose a few books and plan to read for about 20 minutes.  I prefer to read, and then share the pictures, but you can do whatever you are comfortable with on screen.

Have a great week! 

Our Week

We will finish Chapter 4 and have a test on Friday.

Story: "A Cupcake Party"
Target Skill: Story Structure (characters, setting, plot)
Phonics Skill: Short u sound and final blends -mp -nt, -nd, -st, -sk
Grammar: using a, an and the. Synonyms and antonyms
Sight Words: eat, give, one, put, small, take,
Spelling Words: sun, bus, but, run, fun, us

This week we will learn about Fact Families and practice relating addition to subtraction.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Week of November 2, 2020

Please Note

-Even though Halloween this year was a little different, we still had an AWESOME day! The costumes were great and we loved watching the video and seeing all the costumes!  Thanks to those who contributed to the Halloween activities.  Our Homeroom Moms will be in touch to find other volunteer donations for Thanksgiving soon.

- We will finish up the story "Dr. Seuss" but there will be no reading or spelling test this week.

- There will be a math test on subtraction on Thursday. We will do a review in school on Wednesday. The kids have been doing really well with it!

- No school on Friday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. I look forward to meeting with all of you! I will send home a conference sheet with your child this week.

- Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday, November 16th for a teacher in-service day. Thanks!

Have a great week!

Our Week

We will start Chapter 4 "Jesus Works Among the People"

Story: "Dr. Seuss"
Target Skill: Graphic Features and Biographies
Phonics Skill: Short e sound and -s blends
Grammar: Antonyms
Sight Words: after, draw, pictures, read, was, write, 
Spelling Words: yes, let, red, ten, bed, get

We will have a test on subtraction this week on using a number line, word problems, and finding the missing part. We will do a review on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week of 10/26/2020

- It was great to see you at the Saints Presentation on Friday. The kids did such a great job, and I am so proud of them. Thanks again for all of your practice and preparations at home! 

- Test folders will be sent home tomorrow. Please return them on Thursday.

- We will have a Religion test on Chapter 3 on Thursday. A study guide was sent home today.

- We will celebrate Halloween on Friday! The kids should come dressed in their costumes. We will do a small craft/snack and watch the Halloween Parade at the end of the day. You are welcome to watch the parade on the SKS School YouTube channel.

- Virtual Conferences are available next Thursday night (11/5) and Friday (11/6).  Please note that conferences are not mandatory, but I am here if you want to check-in.  I am also happy to schedule a conference with you any night next week, just email me and we can arrange something if that works better for you.

Our Week


We will finish Chapter 3 and have a test on Thursday.


Story: "Dr. Seuss"

Target Skill: Graphic Features and Biographies

Phonics Skill: Short e sound and -s blends

Grammar: Antonyms

Sight Words: after, draw, pictures, read, was, write, 

Spelling Words: yes, let, red, ten, bed, get


We will continue our unit on subtraction! This week we will focus on using a number line to count or hop back.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Week of October 19, 2020

Please Note

- I hope you had a great weekend! We had some great practices last week for our Saints Presentation. We will have 2 more this week before our big event on Friday. Please continue to practice their readings at home, too. 

- The Virtual Scholastic Book Fair is this Week. You can shop for books from October 19th - November 2nd.  You can shop HERE.

- Math test on Tuesday on addition on a number line, sums of 10 and adding 3 addends.

- Thursday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 to dress down.

- Reading and Spelling test on Friday on a Musical Day.

- Reminder there will be no school on Monday, October 26th.

- Saint Presentation reminders:

          - Our class' presentation will be at 9:40am on Friday.  Miss Rooney's class is before us.  Please allow them to clear out before you enter the church.  Please make sure you are wearing your mask and socially distanced in the pews.  

          - The kids are to come to school dressed in their costumes over their gym uniforms (sneakers are fine).

          - Please make sure robes are not too long as we will be walking to and from the church. Also, bobby pins tend to not keep veils on so if you can attach them to a headband that would be great. 

          - All 3 presentations will be live streamed on the Parish YouTube page.  Please invite extended family to join us virtually!

Our Week


We will share our Saint Reports with the class.  We will continue Chapter 3 "Jesus Grew Up in a Family". We will learn about the birth of Jesus and the Holy Family. We will have our Saint Presentation on Friday.


Story: "A Musical Day"

Target Skill: Sequence of events

Phonics Skill: Short o sound and -l blends 

Grammar: Complete sentences and nouns

Sight Words: her, now, our, she, today, would

Spelling Words: on, pop, got, not, fox, hop


We will finish up our addition unit this week and have our test on Tuesday. Then we will begin our unit on subtraction. We will learn about the minus sign, counting backwards and most importantly, that the bigger number always goes first in subtraction!


We will continue our Science unit on Light and Sound.  We will learn all about the scientific

method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the

topics we will learn about in Unit 1:

• The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use

• States and Properties of Matter

• Sound and Vibrations

• Light

• Using Light and Sound to Communicate

Social Studies

We will continue our Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the

important things we will learn about in Unit 1:

• Rules and laws in our home, school, and community

• How we can be responsible citizens:

-Following our rules and laws

-Respect and responsibility

-How we can be a good friend

-Why truthfulness is important

-Cooperation and sportsmanship


This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom

community the best that it can be!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Week of October 12, 2020 UPDATED 10/13

Please Note UPDATED 10/13

-Thank you so much for having the reports turned in last Friday.  They were so well done and I appreciate your time.  I  look forward to hearing them share with the class this week.  They are excited and can’t wait for the ‘costume part’, as they say!

- To accommodate all families the Saint Presentation will be done by each class on Friday morning, October 23rd. Each student will get to read a few sentences about their saint from their report. I will send it home their readings this week so they can practice at home. Information regarding start times will be sent out as soon as Miss Tosti, Miss Rooney and I figure out the logistics with this new format. Look for an email tomorrow or Wednesday. 

-Thanks for helping them be prepared for a new week with their clean towels and sharpened pencils.

- Test folders will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign and return them with the tests in the folder on Thursday.

- On Wednesday, we will be "picking" pumpkins from the convent lawn! On Thursday, we will use our pumpkins for science class and then they will be sent home.

- School pictures will be on Thursday. Please send in your forms by then. There will be no class picture this year.  The students should wear their winter uniform.

- Our monthly virtual Mass will be on Friday at 9:00am. Please join us on the SKS Parish Youtube page!

-We will have a math test next Tuesday.  See below for more info.

Our Week


We will begin Chapter 3 "Jesus Grew Up in a Family". We will learn about the birth of Jesus and the Holy Family. We will also start practicing for our Saint Presentation.


Story: "A Musical Day"

Target Skill: Sequence of events

Phonics Skill: Short o sound and -l blends

Grammar: Complete sentences and nouns

Sight Words: her, now, our, she, today, would

Spelling Words: on, pop, got, not, fox, hop

See IXL for Short o practice.


We will finish up our addition unit this week. We will focus on adding 3 addends and finding doubles and sums of ten to help up. We will also work with simple word problems. There will be a test next Tuesday on adding on a number line, adding 3 addends and word problems. We will do our Test Review in school on Thursday. You can use this to study at home that night.  I have also added IXL activities which they can use to review at home throughout the week.  They would sign in and go to the bottom, right corner where their ‘starred’ activities are.  They should be familiar from practicing in school.

Science We will continue our Science unit on Light and Sound. We will learn all about the scientific method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the topics we will learn about in Unit 1: • The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use • States and Properties of Matter • Sound and Vibrations • Light • Using Light and Sound to Communicate Social Studies We will continue our Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the important things we will learn about in Unit 1: • Rules and laws in our home, school, and community • How we can be responsible citizens: -Following our rules and laws -Respect and responsibility -How we can be a good friend -Why truthfulness is important -Cooperation and sportsmanship -Perseverance This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom community the best that it can be!


Monday, October 5, 2020

Week of October 5, 2020

Here's a sample Saint Report for reference.

 Notes for the Week:

-Kindergarten has invited us to their pumpkin patch!  Farmer Bob from Sugartown Strawberries will be delivering pumpkins and setting them up on the convent lawn.  Each child will get to pick a pumpkin to bring home, followed by a pumpkin craft in the classroom.  The cost will be $5.00 per child.  Please send $5.00, cash only, by Friday, October 9th.  Thank you!

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign their math test and return on Wednesday.  All tests will remain in their "T" for Test folder.

- We will have our religion test on Thursday.  A study guide will be sent home.  Please review daily.

- We will have our reading test on How Animals Communicate this Friday, including our sight and spelling words.  The reader will come home this week to review the story at home.  Please continue to practice the spelling ang sight words, too.

- Information about the first grade Saints Celebration was sent home last Friday. Each child may choose any saint they want. The report will be due this Friday, so please work on it this week. Please make sure the report and the picture are done neatly. Don't forget to have your child practice reading their report because they will be sharing it with the class for a grade. The Saints Celebration will be on Friday, October 23rd at 9:00 am in the church, socially distanced. Each child is allowed to have 2 people to the church that morning. The rest of the school will watch virtually.

- Your child's login information for all of our apps was sent home last week.  Please keep this in a safe place. They may access the apps at home to practice reading and math. You can also check out everything we have been doing on Seesaw by signing in as them for now and viewing the 'journal'.

-Thursday October 15th will be picture day.  The forms will be sent home Monday and due by the 15th.  Tipping will not be doing the group class photo, they plan to make a collage type of class picture using the individual shots. 

Have a great week!

Hard at Work Practicing Short i

Our Week

Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
We will finish Chapter 2 and have a test on Thursday.  A study guide will be sent home.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns
Sight Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big

This week we will continue with addition strategies. We will practice addition by counting on using a number line (always staring with the larger addend), doubles facts, and doubles plus one facts.

We will continue our Science unit on Light and Sound.  We will learn all about the scientific
method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the
topics we will learn about in Unit 1:
• The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use
• States and Properties of Matter
• Sound and Vibrations
• Light
• Using Light and Sound to Communicate

Social Studies
We will continue our Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the
important things we will learn about in Unit 1:
• Rules and laws in our home, school, and community
• How we can be responsible citizens:
-Following our rules and laws
-Respect and responsibility
-How we can be a good friend
-Why truthfulness is important
-Cooperation and sportsmanship
This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom
community the best that it can be!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Week of September 28, 2020

Happy September Birthdays to Bruce and Christian!

I can't believe it is the last week of September already!  The kids did a great job taking their first tests last week. We talked about how the important thing is not that you get a 100 on every test, but that they tried their best.  We talk a lot about giving it our best and learning from our mistakes.  Thanks for sharpening the pencils and washing their picnic towels over the weekend!

Notes for the Week:

- Your child's login information for all of our apps will be sent home later this week in their 'H' folder. Please keep this in a safe place. They may access the apps at home to practice reading and math. You can also check out everything we have been doing on Seesaw.  Please note that we are still waiting for the full services of the app to come through so with all of the activities we have completed so far, they are unable to make corrections yet..  Eventually, I will be able to check and send back for corrections.

- Test folders will be sent home on Tuesday. Please sign each test and return on Wednesday.  All tests will remain in their "T" for Test folder.

- We will start making our math flash cards this week since we did not get to it last week. Please have your child review them along with their sight words and spelling words each night!

- We will have our first math test on Friday.   We will be reviewing in school all week.  At home, please review the addition flashcards and the vocabulary words:  addend, addend, sum and part, part, whole.

Have a great week!

Our Week

Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"
 In this chapter we will learn all about the three persons that make up the Blessed Trinity and we will also learn about what prayer is.

Story: "How Animals Communicate"
Target Skill: Main Idea and Details
Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends
Grammar: Nouns
Sight Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why
Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big

This week we will continue with addition. We will review the parts of an addition sentence (addend + addend = sum) or (part + part = whole), and work with math facts that equal 10.  We will have a test on Friday.

We will continue our Science unit on Light and Sound.  We will learn all about the scientific
method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the
topics we will learn about in Unit 1:
• The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use
• States and Properties of Matter
• Sound and Vibrations
• Light
• Using Light and Sound to Communicate

Social Studies
We will continue our Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the
important things we will learn about in Unit 1:
• Rules and laws in our home, school, and community
• How we can be responsible citizens:
-Following our rules and laws
-Respect and responsibility
-How we can be a good friend
-Why truthfulness is important
-Cooperation and sportsmanship
This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom
community the best that it can be!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Week of September 21, 2020

First Grade had a great week in school last week.  

Watch the video above to see our Short a song!  

Notes for the Week

- We will have our first school mass on Wednesday at 9:00. All are invited to attend virtually. A link will be sent from the office through Option C.

- Journals should be decorated and covered by this Friday, September 25th. - On Friday, we will be having our first reading test for Jack and the Wolf. Please be sure the children are studying their spelling and sight words daily. They will also bring their reader home on Tuesday and Thursday to read and discuss Jack and the Wolf with you.

-On Thursday, we will have our first Religion quiz. A study guide was sent home today for reviewing at home each day. We will complete this first quiz together as practice.

- Please be sure to continue check your child's "Home Folder" every night. Please empty out any papers that were completed in school. If anything needs to be sent to school, please send it in this folder so they will see it to give to me in the morning. Please make sure that the Sight Words, Math flashcards, and Reading Copybook are returned in the folder each day.

- Please email me with any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Our Week


Chapter 1 - "God is Our Father 

We will continue learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made us to know, love, and serve Him.  We will have a quiz on Chapter 1 this Thursday.  A study guide will be sent home on Monday, but we will take the quiz together this week as a learning experience for test taking.

Reading We will have our Jack in the Wolf test this Friday. The children should continue studying their spelling and sight words daily. They will also bring their reader home to read Jack and the Wolf with you.

Story: "Jack and the Wolf" Target Skill: Characters Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words Grammar: Complete sentences Sight Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away Spelling Words: an, bad, can, had, cat, ran,


This week we will start our unit on addition. We will learn the parts of an addition sentence (addends, plus sign, equal sign), start making our flashcards later throughout the week and learn how to add by counting on. Please start practicing flash cards at home and return them each day in their H folder.


We will continue our Science unit on Light and Sound.  We will learn all about the scientific

method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the

topics we will learn about in Unit 1:

• The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use

• States and Properties of Matter

• Sound and Vibrations

• Light

• Using Light and Sound to Communicate

Social Studies

We will continue our Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the

important things we will learn about in Unit 1:

• Rules and laws in our home, school, and community

• How we can be responsible citizens:

-Following our rules and laws

-Respect and responsibility

-How we can be a good friend

-Why truthfulness is important

-Cooperation and sportsmanship


This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom

community the best that it can be!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week of September 14, 2020

Welcome to our Classroom Blog! We are so excited to start our first full week of first grade and I look forward to seeing you tonight at Back to School Night!

Please Note

- Back to School Night is tonight at 7:00pm. Please review the presentation and have your questions ready. Please use the Zoom link to access the meeting. - Please be sure to check your child's "Home Folder" every night. You can empty out any papers that were completed in school. If anything needs to be sent to school, please send it in this folder so they will see it to give to me in the morning. Please make sure that the Sight Words and Reading Copybook are returned each day. - Journals need to be decorated and covered by Friday, September 25th. They will be sent home Tuesday. - On Friday, we will be having our One Book, One School Book Club. We will be talking about "Finding Gobi" and having a live meeting with Dion, the author. - Friday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 with your child. Please also review the dress down day policy in the school handbook. - Please email me with any questions or concerns. Thanks!

Our Week


Chapter 1 - "God is Our Father 

We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made each of us unique!


Story: "Jack and the Wolf" Target Skill: Characters Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words Grammar: Complete sentences Magic Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away SpellingWords: an, bad, can, had, cat, ran,


This week we will focus on writing numbers and number words. We will also work on putting numbers in order and filling in missing numbers and counting forwards and backwards.


This week, we will begin a Science unit on Light and Sound.  We will learn all about the scientific

method and put it into practice with some fun experiments and investigations. Here are the

topics we will learn about in Unit 1:

• The Scientific Method, Science Safety and Tools Scientists Use

• States and Properties of Matter

• Sound and Vibrations

• Light

• Using Light and Sound to Communicate

Social Studies

This week we will begin a Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. Here are some of the

important things we will learn about in Unit 1:

• Rules and laws in our home, school, and community

• How we can be responsible citizens:

-Following our rules and laws

-Respect and responsibility

-How we can be a good friend

-Why truthfulness is important

-Cooperation and sportsmanship


This unit will teach us about how we can make our classroom

community the best that it can be!


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week of May 25, 2020

100,000 Legos Strong
Monday, 5/25

Here are some links for Memorial Day if you want to view at some point this week.
Memorial Day Read Aloud
ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Tuesday, 5/26

1. Copy new Sight Words for Whistle for Willie into Reading Copybook. (see pic above)
2. Use this video activity to read Whistle for Willie (Reader pages 78-106), review the short and long oo sounds, and learn about possessive pronouns. We will complete Reading Workbook pages 112 and 118 together.
3. Complete Reading Workbook pages 108, 109, and 111 to practice sight words, the oo sound.

1. Use this video activity to learn about symmetry. We will complete Skinny Math page 110 together.
2. Complete Pages 1 and 2 of packet. Symmetry/Not Symmetry and Symmetry Butterfly (Color both sides to mirror/look exactly like the other side.

Chapter 23:  We Celebrate the Mass
We gather to worship God. We listen to God's word.
1. Read and discuss pages 259-263.  Complete activity on 262.
      - Mass is the Church's greatest celebration. - We gather as a parish to remember all that God and Jesus did for us. - We always begin Mass when the priest says "May the Lord be with you.." We respond,
"And with your Spirit!" - The first part of Mass is called the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to God's word
from the Bible. - The first reading is always a story about before Jesus was born. The second reading is
always a story about when Jesus was alive. The reader ends the readings by saying,
"The Word of the Lord" and we respond, "Thanks be to God!" - The priest reads the Gospel. This is a story about when Jesus was alive. The priest ends
the Gospel by saying, "The Gospel of the Lord" and we respond, "Praise to you Lord, Jesus
Christ!" - These readings are meant to teach us how God wants us to live our lives. 

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Wednesday, 5/27
9:30-9:50 Move Up Day: All first graders will meet with Mrs. DePetris and Miss Fitzpatrick to talk about how awesome 2nd Grade is going to be! 10:45 Whole Class Zoom to celebrate Teo's birthday and Lucia's summer birthday! We will also practice breaking words into syllables and complete Reading Workbook page 114 together. Teo's address is 1302 Meadow Lane Berwyn PA, 19312 if you would like to send him a card.

1.  Practice sight words.
2. Read Whistle for Willie (Reader pages 78-106). Complete Reading workbook page 113 to show the order of events for the story.
3. Complete workbook pages 110, 117 and 118 to practice the oo sound, and possessive pronouns.

1. Complete pages 3, 4, 5, and 6 in packet to review 2D and 3D shapes for test.

Our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. We grow closer to Jesus and one another.
1. Read and discuss pages 264-267. 
      - The second part of the Mass is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is when we
remember the Last Supper that Jesus had with his Apostles. - Parishioners bring up the gifts of bread and wine to the priest. - The priest then does what Jesus did at the Last Supper and turns the bread and wine
into the body and blood of Jesus. This is called the consecration. - After the consecration, we say the Our Father and give the Sign of Peace with one another. - Then we receive Holy Communion (if you have received the sacrament).
2. Watch this video to learn more about the the Mass.

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math

*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Thursday, 5/28

10:00 Whole Class Zoom to celebrate the end of the year! Please wear your uniform or gym shirt if you can. It will make my heart happy to see your smiling faces in them again. Think of your favorite memory from first grade and be ready to share :-)

1.  Practice sight words.
2. Read Whistle for Willie (Reader pages 78-106).
3. Complete Cause and Effect page at the end of math packet to show the cause and effect for events in the story.

1. Complete Shapes test (pages 7, 8, and 9 in packet.)

Review Chapter 23.
1. Complete pages 268-270
2. Complete the 'My Mass Book' in the back of your religion book. You can keep this book with your 'My Prayer Book' we made a few weeks ago.

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Friday, 5/29

Catch-up/Review Work or Independent Enrichment/Specials Activities

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math

*Feel free to do more time if you want*