
Monday, September 27, 2021

Week of September 27, 2021

Making the most of a rainy day recess!

Please Note

- Test folders will be sent home on Wednesday. Please review and sign each test and return in their 'T' Folders on Thursday.

- We started making our math flash cards last week. Please have your child review them along with their sight words and spelling words each night!

- We will have our first math test on Friday. We will be reviewing in school all week.

- Look for information regarding our Saint Celebration to come home this week.

Have a great week!



Reading: RN page 90

Math: workbook page 19

Practice new words.


Reading: RN page 92

Math: wb page 20


Reading: RN page 89

Math: wb page 21


Reading: RN page 93

Math: complete test review

A Peek at Our Week!

Religion: Chapter 2 - "We Believe in the Blessed Trinity"

 In this chapter we will learn all about the three persons that make up the Blessed Trinity and we will also learn about what prayer is.


Story: "How Animals Communicate"

Target Skill: Main Idea and Details

Phonics Skill: Short I sound and R blends

Grammar: Nouns

Sight Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why

Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big


This week we will continue with addition! We will review the parts of an addition sentence (addend + addend = sum) and work with memorizing the the math facts that equal 10! We will have a test on Friday.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week of September 20, 2021

We had a great time meeting our 8th Grade Buddies and doing a Wish Tree project with them!

Please Note

- We survived our first full week of first grade! I hope the kids enjoyed it and are settling into school and our routines. We are a work in progress but we had a great week! I hope that you are continuing to set routines at home and are giving your child more responsibility. The more we work on this the more independent they will become.

- If anyone would like a secondary email added to my list, please let me know.

- If you could please continue to send your child in with a few extra masks each week it would be really helpful.  We have been going through a lot already.  Thanks for your help with this!

- We will have our first virtual school Mass on Wednesday at 9:00am. Feel free to join us at Mass or virtually on the parish youtube site.

- We will have our first Religion test on Wednesday. A study guide will be sent home for your child to study at home with you, but this week we will take the test together like a worksheet for them to get used to it.

- We will have our first reading test on the story "Jack and the Wolf" this Friday. I will read all of the questions and answers for the first few tests. The reader will be sent home this week so you can read and review the story at home.  Sight Words will be part of this test, so please make sure you are reviewing them each night.

- Our first Spelling test will also be on Friday. We have been practicing a lot with short A words in school. Please review the words at home each night as well.

- I will be setting up the Sign Up Genius for Guest Reader shortly.  Look for an email sometime this week with the link.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!



Religion: study guide for test

Reading: Reading Notebook page 86

Math: workbook page 9


Religion: study guide for test tomorrow

Reading: RN page 76

Math: wb page 15


Read and discuss Jack and the Wolf.

Reading: RN page 80

Math: wb page 16


Reread Jack and the Wolf for test tomorrow.

Reading: study for reading and spelling tests tomorrow

Math: wb page 17

A Peek at Our Week

Religion: Chapter 1- "Jesus Teaches Us About God's Love"

We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God. We will also learn about how God made each of us different! We will talk about how we are called to know, love and serve God. We will take our first test together!


Story: "Jack and the Wolf"

Target Skill: Characters

Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words

Grammar: Complete sentences

Sight Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away

Spelling Words: an, bad, can, had, cat, ran,


This week we will start our unit on addition! We will learn the parts of an addition sentence (addends, plus sign, equal sign), start making our flashcards and learning how to add by counting on. Please start practicing flash cards at home!


This week, we will begin a Science unit on Light and Sound. Our first few lessons will focus on making observations and learning how science experiments are done.

Social Studies

This week we will begin a Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. This week we will learn about

rules and laws in our home, school, and community.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Week of September 13, 2021

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our Classroom Blog!  We are so excited to start our first full week of first grade and I look forward to seeing you tonight at Back to School Night.  We have a lot of fun things planned so keep checking our classroom blog for updates and pictures of what is going on in Room 3!

Here are a few reminders for this week:

- Back to School Night is tonight at 6:30pm. Please review the presentation and have your questions ready. Please use the Zoom link to access the meeting. A packet with some more info will be sent home today in your child's Home Folder today.

- The first few weeks of school are very important for setting expectations and learning our classroom routines and procedures. Students thrive in environments where they feel comfortable and know what is expected of them. I urge you to also have expectations and routines at home as well. For example, each day after school your child can eat a snack, empty their home folder, complete their homework and practice their sight words and spelling words for the week. Simple chores like packing their school bags, helping pack lunches/snack and making their beds will help your child to become responsible, organized and independent!

- Please be sure to check your child's "Home Folder" with them every night. You can empty out any papers that were completed in school. If anything needs to be signed or turned in, please place it in the H Folder to come back to school.  Please make sure that the homework and reading copybooks,  and Sight Word bags stay in the folder to be returned each day.

-Please be sure to practice sight words and spelling words nightly.  The children will not be writing this in their HW copybook each day, but it is a standing assignment.

- On Friday, we will be having our One Book, One School Book Club. We will be talking about "The Wish Tree" and completing a fun activity.

- Friday will be a Dress Down Day. Please send in $1.00 with your child. Please also review the dress down day policy in the school handbook.

- Please email me with any questions or concerns :)


Mrs. Thornton



Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary

Reading: Reading Notebook page 75

Math: workbook page 1 and 2


Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary

Reading: RN page 74

Math: wb page 3 and 4


Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary

Reading: RN page 78

Math: wb page 5 and 6


Religion: practice saying the Hail Mary

Reading: RN page 83

Math: wb page 7 and 8

A Peek at Our Week


We will be learning about the story of creation and how we were all made in the image and likeness of God in Chapter 1. We will also learn about how God made each of us unique!


Story: "Jack and the Wolf"

Target Skill: Characters

Phonics Skill: Short A sound and -ck words

Grammar: Complete sentences

Magic Sight Words: every, come, call, hear, said, away

SpellingWords:  an, bad, can, had, cat, ran, 


This week we will focus on writing numbers and number words. We will also work on putting numbers in order and filling in missing numbers and counting forwards and backwards.


This week, we will begin a Science unit on Light and Sound. Our first few lessons will focus on making observations and learning how science experiments are done.

Social Studies

This week we will begin a Social Studies unit on Responsible Citizenship. This week we will learn about rules and laws in our home, school, and community.