
Monday, December 14, 2020

Week of December 14, 2020

Please Note

- I hope you got a chance to watch the Virtual Christmas Concert. The kids did a great job!

- We will have math test on Wednesday on place value.

- Report cards will be sent home Tuesday. Please read the letter in the envelope from Mr. Tosti explaining report cards. You may keep the actual report card at home. Please sign and return the envelope.  Thank you for all of the work you have done with them this trimester.  I am proud of them for all of their hard work!

- There is no school on Friday, but there will be asynchronous assignments sent out Thursday night. They will be on Seesaw and IXL like they were last time. Mr. Burman will also send you an optional music assignment too.

- Have a great week!

Our Week


We will start Chapter 8 "Jesus Had Many Followers". We will learn about how Jesus traveled all over to get followers and that he taught them how to pray. We will also learn what are praying for when we pray the Lord's Prayer.


Story: "How Leopard Got His Spots"

Target Skill: Sequence of Events

Phonics Skill: Long E, digraph -ch, -tch

Grammar: Statements and Commands

Sight Words: hold, been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very, good

Spelling Words: chin, chop, much, rich, cheer, beach, three, teach


We will continue have a test on place value on matching place value blocks to the number they represent, identifying digits in the tens and ones place, and finding the value of digits.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Week of December 7th, 2020

 Please Note

- There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday.

- Report cards will be given out next week.

- Please be sure that your child is reviewing sight words and is reading, especially during the days off and over break. They can lose these important skills just as fast as they learn them! This should be their "homework" along with math facts every night. Kids A-Z and IXL are both great for practice at home. Please use them!

- I am sending home a packet of "Sight Word Phrases" with each child to practice at home. This will help with sight word recognition and fluency! Work on one page at a time. Once your child can read the phrase without pausing or having to sound out words, check it off! Once they can read all the phrases on the first page with pausing/sounding out, move on to the next page.

- We will be starting homework when we return from Christmas Break.

- We will be having Virtual School on Monday, January 4th and Tuesday, January 5th when we return from Christmas break.

Have a great week!

Our Week


We will continue to talk about the Advent season and the meaning of Christmas!


Story: "At Home in the Ocean"

Target Skill: Fact and Opinion

Phonics Skill: Long A, (a_e and ay, introduce -ai) digraph th

Grammar: Proper Nouns

Sight Words: blue, cold, far, little, live, their, water, where

Spelling Words: that, then, with, cape, name, make, say, pray


We will begin our unit of Place Value. We will focus on identifying the value of digits and building numbers with place value blocks.