
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week of April 16, 2018

Please Note

- Thanks for supporting our garden fundraiser last week! We raised enough money to get
our indoor garden started! Stay tuned for more details!

- Wednesday is a dress down day for Speak Up. Please send in $1.00 on Wednesday so
we can turn the donations in to the office.  Our class will dress down on Friday due to Gym
and Go Run.

- We will have a math test (identifying and counting coins up to a dollar) on Thursday.

- There will be a reading and spelling test on Friday this week.

- Mark your Spring calendars for the following dates:
                May 10th - First grade Mass @ 9:00 am
                 **rescheduled from 5/15. We now have school on 5/10**
                May 23rd - May Procession @ 7:00 pm
                June 5th - Doughnuts with Dads/Dudes @ 8:30 am


Reading: worksheet
Math:  worksheet
Practice words
Practice counting coins

Reading: worksheet
Math:  worksheet
Practice words
Practice counting coins

Reading: worksheet
Math:  worksheet
Practice words
Practice counting coins

Reading: worksheet
Reread Where Does Food Come From?
Practice words

Our Week

We will start Chapter 16 "We Celebrate the Sacraments".

Story: "Where Does Food Come From?"
Target Skill: Author's Purpose
Phonics Skill: Long A
Grammar: Proper Nouns(names of months and holidays) and contractions 'll and 'd
Sight Words: first, right, under, food, sometimes, your, ground, these, fields, corn,
flowers, favorite
Spelling Words: play, rain, grain, way, sail, day, mail, stay, may, pain, spray, paint

We will continue working with money. We will identify coins and how much they are
worth.  We will count groups of mixed coins.  We will have a test on Thursday.

Please have your child gather coins in a bag or change purse to practice using real
coins at home.  They should be able to count mixed coins up to one dollar. Please
have them practice sorting coins in order from greatest amount to least (Q, D, N, P)
and then count how much money.  We will practice the same way with pretend coins
in school.

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