
Monday, May 9, 2022

Week of May 9, 2022

Please Note

-I hope you had a great Mother's Day and weekend! The kids loved making their gifts for you.  

-Thank you so much for making last week so special for all the teachers! I loved my gifts, and so did Maggie and Lucy!🐶🐶  I truly appreciate your generosity and kindness. There is no better community than SKS!

-Last week we finished our third reading unit. This week we will start our fourth reader, but will be doing things a little differently to end out the year. For this last reader, we will do one story a week. Sight words and spelling words will still be given and should be studied, but they will not be "formally" tested. We will continue to take the reading tests as practice but they will not count as a grade. We decided to do this to keep the kids engaged with new stories and words each week! 

- Test folders will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday.

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 17 on Thursday. A study guide will be sent home today.

- Be on the look out for an email about the May Procession next week! The students usually wear their winter uniform unless the weather looks too hot. It might be a good idea to pull one out or visit the uniform closet at school.

- If you haven't filled out the permission form or paid for our bowling field trip next week please do so by Friday. You can do both at this link:

- The chaperones for the trip will be: Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Shevlin, and Mrs. Botzler.  If I missed anyone, please let me know. Thanks so much for volunteering!

-Important May/June dates:

May 14th - Father Daughter Dance

May 17th - May Procession

May 19th - 1st and 8th grade field trip to Devon Lanes 

May 25th - School Mass

May 26th-30th - Ascension Thursday and Memorial Day Weekend break!

June 7th - Doughnuts with Dudes

June 17th - Closing Mass by the first grade! This was rescheduled from May.

-Have a wonderful week!



Reading: page 80

practice words

Math: complete worksheet

Religion: study for test


Reading: pages  88

practice words

Math: page 90

Religion: study for test


Reading: page 81

practice words

Math: complete worksheet

Religion: study for test


Reading: page 87

Read and discuss The Garden

Practice words

Math: page 92

A Peek at Our Week


We will start Chapter 17 on Baptism and have a test on Thursday.


Story: "The Garden"

Target Skill: Story Structure

Phonics Skill: -ar controlled vowel, review -or

Grammar: pronouns

Magic Words: few, night, loudly, window, story, shall, world , noise

Spelling Words: far, arm, yard, art, jar, bar, barn, bark car, yarn


We will continue learning about 2D shapes and start learning about 3D shapes.

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