
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Week of April 20, 2020

Monday, 4/20

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words.
2. Complete 'Vocabulary' pages (2 sides) in Reading Packet to practice sight words.
3.  Reread Tomas Rivera (pages 124-143) before Zoom Meeting.
4.  Sequence of Events and Comparing Length Zoom.  Please sign up for a time that works for you.  We will do pages from the Reading Packet together so please have scissors, glue (or tape if no glue), and a pencil ready along with your Reading Packet.  ** I also need to have them edit a few things in their packet before their work tomorrow.  Thanks!

1. Introduce Comparing Length and Height at Zoom Meeting.
2.  Complete pages 1 through 5 (comparing length activities) in Math Packet.
3.  Optional:  Fat Math - pages 413 and 414  Skinny Math page 124

Chapter 17 - The Church Welcomes New Members at Baptism
1. Read and discuss pages 196 and 197
2. Talk about what it means to be a child of God.
3. If you can, find pictures to share with your child from their Baptism and talk to them about the events of that day.

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Tuesday, 4/21

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words
2. Watch this video and lesson at the end with Mrs. Thornton on Verb Tense.
3. Complete 'Verb Tense' page in packet.
4. Complete both 'Phonics' pages (4 sides) in packet.
5. Complete Reading Workbook pages 48, 50 and 59

1.  Watch this Introduction to Measuring with Non-Standard Units video from Mrs. Thornton.
2.  Complete pages 8, 9, and 10 (Football Measuring Activity) in Math Packet.
3.  Fat Math - pages 407 and 408 **Use nickels to measure since they are the same size as the cubes.

Chapter 17 - The Church Welcomes New Members at Baptism
1. Read and discuss pages 198 and 199.  Do activity on page 198.

  • Talk about how all living things need water to live and grow.  
  • Remember the signs of new life that we noticed last week.  All of the rain we have in spring helps that new life to grow.  
  • Explain that God’s life in us is called grace.  We receive God’s grace in us when we are baptized.
  • Water is used at Baptism to remind us that we grow with God’s life in us.
  • We are God’s children and we grow with God’s love in us.

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Wednesday, 4/22

10:00 Whole Class Zoom 
We will wish Camille a Happy Birthday and read a book on synonyms!
Camille's address is 346 Echo Valley Lane Newtown Square PA, 19073 if you want to mail her a card.

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words
2. Reread Tomas Rivera   (Pages 124-143)
3. Complete 'Comprehension' pages (2 sides) in Reading Packet..
4.  Complete Reading Workbook pages 52, 53, and 61

1. Complete pages 11 and 12 in Math Packet (Measuring with the 3 Little Pigs activities)
2.  Fat Math Book - pages 409 and 410
3.  Skinny Math - page 122

Chapter 17 - The Church Welcomes New Members at Baptism
1. Read and discuss pages 200, 201, 202, and 203
2.  Do activity on page 203.  Draw symbols used for Baptism to decorate your candle.
3. Revisit the pictures or discussion of your child’s baptismal day.

  • Talk about who was there and who their special godparents are.  
  • Notice or discuss the special words, actions, and symbols used on that day. 
  • Remind them that a sign of the cross is traced on the forehead to show that we will soon be followers of Jesus.
  • Holy water is used as a sign of God’s life in us.
  • A white garment is used to remind us that we are followers of Jesus.
  • A candle is lit to remind us to always walk in the light of Christ.

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Thursday, 4/23

1. Reread Tomas Rivera (124-143) and take your test. I only read the questions on the first page (not the answer options). They complete the rest themselves. Help them if they have any questions with directions.
2. Review spelling words and give them the spelling test.

1. Complete pages 13 and 14 in Math Packet (Measure It)

  • Choose a non-standard measuring tool to measure items around the house or outside.  (Lego pieces of same size, Pokemon Cards, dried pasta, Cheez-Its, whatever you want as long as it is smaller than the items you are measuring and you have enough of the same thing to measure with.)
  • Remember your measuring units must be the same size while measuring an object so do not mix measuring tools.
  • Remember to line your measuring unit up starting at the edge, of beginning of the object you are measuring, and to have your measuring unit touching the unit before and after it in a straight line.
  • Remember to estimate means to be sure to guess BEFORE you measure!  Then think about how your estimate compares to the actual measurement.
  • Choose a different measuring tool for each side of your paper and be sure to write what it is on the line under the title.
Optional:  Make your own 'Measure It' chart on blank paper and choose different non-standard units to measure more objects!

1. Review Chapter 17.  Complete pages 204, 205, and 206

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Friday, 4/24

10:00 Whole Class Zoom 

We will wish Flynn a Happy Birthday!
Flynn's address is 605 Spruce Ln Villanova PA, 19085  if you want to make a card to send.

Catch-up/Review Work or Independent Enrichment/Specials Activities

ESpark Learning App or whatever learning app you prefer Extra Resources
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

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