
Monday, March 9, 2020

Week of March 9, 2020

The Madness Has Begun!
Stay Tuned...

Please Note

- The Go Run program starts next Thursday! If your child wants to join, please see the flyer on the school website, or look for the form to come home.

- We will begin writing our Spelling Words (NOT our Sight Words) in sentences this week for homework.  Please remind them to start each new sentence on a new line, number the sentences and underline spelling word in the sentence.

- Test folders will be sent home Wednesday. Please sign and return on Thursday.

- There will be a Religion test on Chapter 12 on Friday. A study guide will be sent home.

- Leprechaun Traps are due next Tuesday. Please refrain from sending the traps before Tuesday to ensure everything on the trap remains in order.  If you could have your child practice telling how their traps work that would be great because they will be presenting them to the class.


Reading: page 17
Practice new sight words
Math: 113

Copy spelling words one time
Reading: page 18
Math: 114
Religion: study for test

Write asking sentences in homework copy book for spelling words #1-4.  Please start each new sentence on a new line, number the sentences and underline spelling word in the sentence.
Math:  worksheetReligion: study for test
Get tests signed

Write telling sentences in homework copy book for spelling words #5-8.  Please start each new sentence on a new line, number the sentences and underline spelling word in the sentence.
Math: 115
Religion: study for test tomorrow

Our Week

We will finish Chapter 12 "The Church Serves" and have a test on Friday.

Story: "The Big Trip"
Target Skill: Compare and Contrast
Phonics Skill: Long E (ea, e, e_e, ee) and -ng, -nk words
Grammar: compound sentences
Sight Words: about, could, sure, by, don't, there, car, maybe, very, travel, really, through
Spelling Words: eat, read, mean, feet, tree, keep, these, street

We will continue with our time unit and practice telling time to the hour and half hour. We will work with time patterns and learn about elapsed time.

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