
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week of March 30, 2020

Harper Is Set Up And Ready To Go!
Monday, 3/30

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words.
2. Complete 'Vocabulary' Pages 1 and 2 in Reading Packet to practice sight words.
3.  Where Does Food Come From? story extension:

  • Watch this video about food groups and healthy eating.
  • You can stop watching at the 8 minute mark but I highly recommend watching and discussing the rest of the video for more fun facts.

4.  Using page 3 in your packet, make your own healthy plate using some of your favorite foods in each group.  Draw and color pictures to show your food and then label those foods by writing the name of the food and drawing an arrow to it.
5.  Here's an optional video showing why you should 'eat a rainbow'.  Is your plate colorful?

1. Review identifying coins.  'Complete Color By Coin' worksheet - Page 1 in packet.  Use the color code in the bottom left hand corner.  You will see you are not coloring the coins by their actual color.
2. Practice counting with 'Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies' worksheet - Page 2 in packet.

Money Games for Extra practice this week:
Dolphin Dash -If your child is doing well with counting coins this is a challenging game for them

Money Bingo - If your child just needs review this is great! Select which coins you want them to practice. As they get better choose more coins.

     - Username: sfaschool  Password: sfarocks
     - Click "Learning" tab in green banner
     - Click "Math" tab under the green banner with a pyramid
     - Click on "First Grade" in purple
     - Play any money games under Q section

1. Chapter 20 - Lent - Talk with your child about Lent and ask them what they know about it already?
2. Have them look at the picture of the children on page 231 of their Religion book - ask them if they know what story they are acting out? The Good Samaritan! Have them tell you about the story.
3. Connect how helping other and Lent go together
4. If you want, watch The Good Samaritan Beginners Bible.

ESpark Learning App
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Gabe And His Dad Taking Coin Counting To The Next Level!

Tuesday, 3/31

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words
2. Writing a Friendly Letter.  We have written letters in class, so this should be a review.

  • Watch this video and follow along with page 4 of your packet to review the parts of a letter.
  • After the video, use page 4 to write a rough draft, or sloppy copy, of a friendly letter.  Hopefully, you've received a friendly letter from me in the mail. I would love it if you could write a friendly letter back to me to tell me more about what you have been doing lately! You can use my letter as a sample for this activity.  *When writing the heading, do not worry about writing the 'address' as page 4 shows, just use the date.
  • After writing the sloppy copy of your letter, have someone proofread and edit the letter for you.
  • Remove the last page in your packet to write the good copy of your letter.  
  • Follow the instructions on the video of how to address an envelope.  My address is:
            Mrs. Thornton
            122 Freedom Valley Circle
            Coatesville, PA 19320
  • I can't wait to 'hear' from you!  If you don't have stamps or can't mail the letter for some reason, please just take a pic and email it to me.
  • Is there anyone else you can write a friendly letter to?  If so, I'm sure they'd love to receive a letter from you soon!

1.  Watch this video from Mrs. Thornton for instructions.
2.  Complete pages 3 and 4 of your packet
  • What coins would you use to buy the items shown?  
  • Use your real coins to lay out the coins available for buying each item.  
  • Work out how you can make the amount shown on the price tag using your real coins.  
  • Put an x only on the coins you need.  

1. Read pages 232-233 and talk about what Resurrection means. During Lent we prepare for Jesus rising from the dead or resurrecting.
2. We remember our Baptism (review from last week that a sacrament is a sign given to us by Jesus) during Lent and all that Jesus has done for us.
3. Talk about ways how you can grow closer to Jesus and God during Lent.

ESpark Learning App
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

This 550 Piece Puzzle Was No Problem For The Rymars!

Wednesday, 4/1

No work today!  Just kidding...Happy April Fool's Day! ;-)

Zoom Show and Tell with Mrs. Thornton at 11:00 if you can make it.  (And that's no joke!)  I will email a link for your child to join the meeting.
  • Find something you would like to 'SHOW' to Mrs. Thornton and your friends.
  • Think of 3 things you want to 'TELL' about your item.
  • When we start the Zoom, please keep your item hidden until Mrs. Thornton tells you it is your turn!

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words
2. Complete 'Phonics' pages 5 and 6  in packet to review long a words.
3.  Complete Reading Workbook page 41 to review writing the date correctly. Remember the comma goes after the month and date, but before the year.  Also remember that the month will begin with an uppercase letter.

1. Counting quarters.  First, watch this video of Mrs. Thornton showing how to count coins with quarters.
2.  Big Math Book pages 357 and 358 (Quarter and pennies.)
3.  Big Math Book pages 361 and 362 (Quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies.)

1. Complete page 234 - Color in the cross and talk about the things you have done during Lent to help you grow closer to God. Have you given anything up? Have you prayed more? Etc.
2. Read the Prayer Service on page 235 together
3. Complete either ONE of the My Lenten Journey papers-  You can draw pictures to show what you have done or write your answers. *Sorry, this was not included for pick-up.  It is attached to this week's email.  If you can not print, just use the PDF and respond on any type of paper or in their Homework Copybook.

ESpark Learning App
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Check Out Peter's YouTube Drawings!

Thursday, 4/2

1. Review Sight Words and Spelling Words
2. Complete 'Phonics' pages 7 and 8 in packet to review contractions
3.  Complete Reading Workbook page 35 to review writing Proper Nouns correctly.  Remember the names of months, names of days of the week, and names of holidays are SPECIAL NAMES (Proper Nouns) for 'things' so they need to begin with an UPPER CASE letter.
4.  Reread your story Where Does Food Come From?  (Pages 86-114) You can read aloud to a family member, pet, or stuffed animal.  Do you FaceTime with any relatives?  Maybe they would like to hear you read the story to them.

1. If needed, watch this video of Mrs. Thornton showing how to count coins with quarters again.  (Link coming soon.)  Today, we'll be counting with more than one quarter,  dimes, nickels, and pennies.
2.  Complete pages 5 and 6 in packet.  Remember, do not write the value of each coins, write the amount as you add up.  Then write the total on the line.

1. Complete Project Disciple on page 236
2. Complete second My Lenten Journey paper - draw or write in answers.

ESpark Learning App
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

Friday, 4/3

1. Read "Where Does Food Come From?" (Pages 86-114) and take your test. I only read the questions on the first page (not the answer options). They complete the rest themselves. Help them if they have any questions with directions.
2. Review spelling words and give them the spelling test.

1. If needed, watch this video of Mrs. Thornton showing how to count coins with quarters again.  (Link coming soon.)  Today, we'll be counting with more than one quarter, dimes, nickels, and pennies again.
2.  Complete pages 7 and 8 in packet.  Remember, do not write the value of each coins, write the amount as you add up.  Then write the total on the line.

1. Talk about the Stations of the Cross with your child. Do they have a favorite one? Why is it their favorite? What does if teach them?
2. If you want, watch this video first. It is a children’s version of the Stations of the Cross. It does a great job of explaining what happened in each station.
*This class really enjoyed coloring in their 'Stations' book.  Sorry I did not realize when we brought our books home that they wouldn't be back to get it before Easter.  They also enjoyed going to Stations of the Cross at school, so I think they will like this!

ESpark Learning App
15 minutes - reading
15 minutes - math
*Feel free to do more time if you want*

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